


在本文中所有的测试都是基于V8引擎的,使用的浏览器版本为Chrome 83.0,当然直接使用Node也是可以的。通常创建数组一般用以下三种方式,当然对于直接更改length属性的方式也可以达到改变数组长度的目的,从而实现创建指定长度的数组,只是并不常用。

var arr = [];
var arr = Array(100);
var arr = new Array(100);


var LIMIT = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);


var LIMIT = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);
for(var i=0; i<LIMIT; i++) arr[i]=i;
// Array: 27.64697265625ms


var LIMIT = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);
arr.push(1); // 为了将快数组转换为慢数组
for(var i=0; i<LIMIT; i++) arr[i]=i;
// Array: 627.759033203125ms


var LIMIT = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);
for(var i=0; i<LIMIT; i += 2) arr[i]=i; // 循环的i为 i += 2
// Array: 15.27001953125ms


var LIMIT = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
var arr = new Array(LIMIT);
var obj = {};
for(var i=1; i<LIMIT; i++) {
    if(i < 100) arr[i] = i;
    else if(i < 1000) arr[i] = "T";
    else if(i < 10000) arr[i] = true;
    else arr[i] = obj;
// Array: 32.123046875ms


var arr = new Array(3);
arr[0] = 1;
console.log(arr); // (3) [1, empty × 2]
console.log(arr[1] === undefined); // true
console.log(arr.indexOf(undefined)); // -1
console.log(arr.filter(v => v)); // [1]
arr.forEach( v => console.log(v)); // 1
console.log(arr.includes(undefined)); // true
console.log(arr.map(v => v)); // [1, empty × 2]


[...new Array(3)]; // (3) [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Array.apply(null, new Array(3)); // (3) [undefined, undefined, undefined]
Array.from(new Array(3)); // (3) [undefined, undefined, undefined]


var LIMIT = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(LIMIT);
var arr = new Int32Array(buffer);
for(var i=0; i<LIMIT; i++) arr[i]=i;
// Array: 30.139892578125ms


  • 存储方式方面:快数组内存中是连续的,慢数组在内存中是零散分配的。

  • 内存使用方面:由于快数组内存是连续的,可能需要开辟一大块供其使用,其中还可能有很多空洞,是比较费内存的。慢数组不会有空洞的情况,且都是零散的内存,比较节省内存空间。

  • 遍历效率方面:快数组由于是空间连续的,遍历速度很快,而慢数组每次都要寻找key 的位置,遍历效率会差一些。


简单分析V8引擎的数组方面的内容,COMMIT IDdb4822d。通过在V8数组的定义可以了解到,数组可以处于两种模式,Fast模式的存储结构是FixedArray并且长度小于等于elements.length,可以通过pushpop增加和缩小数组。slow模式的存储结构是一个以数字为键的HashTable

// v8/src/objects/js-array.h // line 19
// The JSArray describes JavaScript Arrays
//  Such an array can be in one of two modes:
//    - fast, backing storage is a FixedArray and length <= elements.length();
//       Please note: push and pop can be used to grow and shrink the array.
//    - slow, backing storage is a HashTable with numbers as keys.
class JSArray : public JSObject {
  // [length]: The length property.
  DECL_ACCESSORS(length, Object)


快数组是一种线性的存储方式,内部存储是连续的内存,新创建的空数组,默认的存储方式是快数组,快数组长度是可变的,可以根据元素的增加和删除来动态调整存储空间大小,内部是通过扩容和收缩机制实现。首先来分析以下扩容机制,默认的空数组预分配的大小为4,当数组进行扩充操作例如push时,数组的内存若不够则将进行扩容,最小的扩容容量为16,扩容的公式为new_capacity = old_capacity + old_capacity /2 + 16,即申请一块原容量1.5倍加16这样大小的内存,将原数据拷贝到新内存,然后length + 1,并返回length

// v8/src/objects/js-array.h // line 105
// Number of element slots to pre-allocate for an empty array.
static const int kPreallocatedArrayElements = 4;

// v8/src/objects/js-objects.h // line 537
static const uint32_t kMinAddedElementsCapacity = 16;

// v8/src/objects/js-objects.h // line 540 // 计算扩容后的容量
// Computes the new capacity when expanding the elements of a JSObject.
static uint32_t NewElementsCapacity(uint32_t old_capacity) {
    // (old_capacity + 50%) + kMinAddedElementsCapacity
    return old_capacity + (old_capacity >> 1) + kMinAddedElementsCapacity;

// v8/src/code-stub-assembler.cc // line 5137 // 扩容的实现
Node* CodeStubAssembler::CalculateNewElementsCapacity(Node* old_capacity,
                                                      ParameterMode mode) {
  CSA_SLOW_ASSERT(this, MatchesParameterMode(old_capacity, mode));
  Node* half_old_capacity = WordOrSmiShr(old_capacity, 1, mode);
  Node* new_capacity = IntPtrOrSmiAdd(half_old_capacity, old_capacity, mode);
  Node* padding =
      IntPtrOrSmiConstant(JSObject::kMinAddedElementsCapacity, mode);
  return IntPtrOrSmiAdd(new_capacity, padding, mode);

// v8/src/code-stub-assembler.cc // line 5202 // 内存的拷贝
// Allocate the new backing store.
Node* new_elements = AllocateFixedArray(to_kind, new_capacity, mode);
// Copy the elements from the old elements store to the new.
// The size-check above guarantees that the |new_elements| is allocated
// in new space so we can skip the write barrier.
CopyFixedArrayElements(from_kind, elements, to_kind, new_elements, capacity,
                     new_capacity, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER, mode);
StoreObjectField(object, JSObject::kElementsOffset, new_elements);

当数组执行pop操作时,会判断pop后数组的容量,是否需要进行减容,如果容量大于等于length * 2 + 16,则进行收缩容量调整,否则用HOLES对象填充未被初始化的位置,elements_to_trim就是要裁剪的大小,需要根据length + 1old_length判断是将空出的空间全部收缩掉还是只收缩一半。

// v8/src/elements.cc // line 783
if (2 * length + JSObject::kMinAddedElementsCapacity <= capacity) {
    // If more than half the elements won't be used, trim the array.
    // Do not trim from short arrays to prevent frequent trimming on
    // repeated pop operations.
    // Leave some space to allow for subsequent push operations.
    int elements_to_trim = length + 1 == old_length
                                ? (capacity - length) / 2
                                : capacity - length;
    isolate->heap()->RightTrimFixedArray(*backing_store, elements_to_trim);
    // Fill the non-trimmed elements with holes.
                        std::min(old_length, capacity - elements_to_trim));
} else {
    // Otherwise, fill the unused tail with holes.
    BackingStore::cast(*backing_store)->FillWithHoles(length, old_length);

上边提到的HOLES对象指的是数组中分配了空间,但是没有存放元素的位置,对于HOLES,在Fast Elements模式中有一个扩展,称为Fast Holey Elements模式。Fast Holey Elements模式适合于数组中的有空洞情况,即只有某些索引存有数据,而其他的索引都没有赋值的情况,此时没有赋值的数组索引将会存储一个特殊的值empty,这样在访问这些位置时就可以得到undefinedFast Holey Elements模式与Fast Elements模式一样,会动态分配连续的存储空间,分配空间的大小由最大的索引值决定。定义数组时,如果没有设置容量,V8会默认使用Fast Elements模式实现,如果定义数组时进行了容量的指定,如上文中的new Array(100),就会以Fast Holey Elements模式实现。
Fast Elements模式下V8引擎还根据元素类型对数组类型做了细分用以优化数组,当全部元素都为整数型的话,那么这个数组的类型就被标记为PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS。如果只存在整数型和浮点型的元素类型,那么这个数组的类型为PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS。除此以外,一个数组包含其它的元素,都被标记为PACKED_ELEMENTS。而这些数组类型并非一成不变,而是在运行时随时更改的,但是数组的类型只能从特定种类变更为普通种类。即初始为PACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS的数组,只能过渡为PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS或者PACKED_ELEMENTS。而PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS只能过渡为PACKED_ELEMENTS。至于初始就是PACKED_ELEMENTS类型的数组,就无法再过渡了,无法逆向过渡。而上述的这三种类型,都属于密集数组,与之相对应的,是稀疏数组,标记为HOLEY_ELEMENTS,稀疏数组同样具有三种类型,任何一种PACKED都可以过渡到HOLEYPACKED_SMI_ELEMENTS可以转换为HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTSPACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS可以转换为HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTSPACKED_ELEMENTS可以转换为HOLEY_ELEMENTS。需要注意的是,虽然可以将数组转换为HOLEY模式,但是并不一定就代表着这个数组被转换为慢数组。



// v8/src/objects/dictionary.h // line 27
class Dictionary : public HashTable<Derived, Shape> {
    typedef HashTable<Derived, Shape> DerivedHashTable;

    typedef typename Shape::Key Key;
    // Returns the value at entry.
    Object ValueAt(int entry) {
        return this->get(DerivedHashTable::EntryToIndex(entry) + 1);

    // Set the value for entry.
    void ValueAtPut(int entry, Object value) {
       this->set(DerivedHashTable::EntryToIndex(entry) + 1, value);
    // Returns the property details for the property at entry.
    PropertyDetails DetailsAt(int entry) {
       return Shape::DetailsAt(Derived::cast(*this), entry);

    // ...





  • 当新容量大于等于3 * 3倍的扩容后的容量,会转变为慢数组。

  • 当加入的索引值index比当前容量capacity差值大于等于1024 时,也就是至少有1024HOLEY时,即会转为慢数组,例如定义一个长度为1的数组arr然后使用arr[2000]=1赋值,此时数组就会被转换为慢数组。

// v8/src/objects/js-objects-inl.h // line 992
static inline bool ShouldConvertToSlowElements(JSObject object,
                                               uint32_t capacity,
                                               uint32_t index,
                                               uint32_t* new_capacity) {
  STATIC_ASSERT(JSObject::kMaxUncheckedOldFastElementsLength <=
  if (index < capacity) {
    *new_capacity = capacity;
    return false;
  if (index - capacity >= JSObject::kMaxGap) return true; // 第二种转换
  *new_capacity = JSObject::NewElementsCapacity(index + 1);
  DCHECK_LT(index, *new_capacity);
  // TODO(ulan): Check if it works with young large objects.
  if (*new_capacity <= JSObject::kMaxUncheckedOldFastElementsLength ||
      (*new_capacity <= JSObject::kMaxUncheckedFastElementsLength &&
       ObjectInYoungGeneration(object))) {
    return false;
  // If the fast-case backing storage takes up much more memory than a
  // dictionary backing storage would, the object should have slow elements.
  int used_elements = object->GetFastElementsUsage();
  uint32_t size_threshold = NumberDictionary::kPreferFastElementsSizeFactor *
                            NumberDictionary::ComputeCapacity(used_elements) *
  return size_threshold <= *new_capacity; // 第一种转换

// v8/src/objects/js-objects.h // line 738
// JSObject::kMaxGap 常量
// Maximal gap that can be introduced by adding an element beyond
// the current elements length.
static const uint32_t kMaxGap = 1024;

// v8/src/objects/dictionary.h // line 362
// NumberDictionary::kPreferFastElementsSizeFactor 常量
// JSObjects prefer dictionary elements if the dictionary saves this much
// memory compared to a fast elements backing store.
static const uint32_t kPreferFastElementsSizeFactor = 3;

// v8/src/objects/hash-table-inl.h // line 76
// NumberDictionary::ComputeCapacity(used_elements)
// NumberDictionary 继承于 Dictionary 再继承于 HashTable
// static
int HashTableBase::ComputeCapacity(int at_least_space_for) {
  // Add 50% slack to make slot collisions sufficiently unlikely.
  // See matching computation in HashTable::HasSufficientCapacityToAdd().
  // Must be kept in sync with CodeStubAssembler::HashTableComputeCapacity().
  int raw_cap = at_least_space_for + (at_least_space_for >> 1);
  int capacity = base::bits::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo32(raw_cap);
  return Max(capacity, kMinCapacity);

// v8/src/objects/dictionary.h // line 260
// NumberDictionary::kEntrySize 常量
// NumberDictionary 继承 Dictionary 传入 NumberDictionaryShape作为Shape 继承HashTable 
// HashTable 中定义 static const int kEntrySize = Shape::kEntrySize;
static const int kEntrySize = 3;



// v8/src/objects/js-objects.cc // line 4523
static bool ShouldConvertToFastElements(JSObject object,
                                        NumberDictionary dictionary,
                                        uint32_t index,
                                        uint32_t* new_capacity) {
  // If properties with non-standard attributes or accessors were added, we
  // cannot go back to fast elements.
  if (dictionary->requires_slow_elements()) return false;

  // Adding a property with this index will require slow elements.
  if (index >= static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::kMaxValue)) return false;

  if (object->IsJSArray()) {
    Object length = JSArray::cast(object)->length();
    if (!length->IsSmi()) return false;
    *new_capacity = static_cast<uint32_t>(Smi::ToInt(length));
  } else if (object->IsJSSloppyArgumentsObject()) {
    return false;
  } else {
    *new_capacity = dictionary->max_number_key() + 1;
  *new_capacity = Max(index + 1, *new_capacity);

  uint32_t dictionary_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(dictionary->Capacity()) *

  // Turn fast if the dictionary only saves 50% space.
  return 2 * dictionary_size >= *new_capacity;

// v8/src/objects/smi.h // line 106
static constexpr int kMaxValue = kSmiMaxValue;

// v8/include/v8-internal.h // line 87
static constexpr intptr_t kSmiMaxValue = -(kSmiMinValue + 1);




https://v8.js.cn/blog/elements-kinds/ https://github.com/JunreyCen/blog/issues/10 https://juejin.im/post/5e1d919f5188254c3c275145 https://juejin.im/post/5df1e21bf265da33c24fe9f4 https://juejin.im/entry/5a9c0b606fb9a028d663a491 https://juejin.im/entry/59ae664d518825244d207196 https://blog.csdn.net/github_34708151/article/details/105463108 https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Typed_arrays https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46526520/why-are-we-allowed-to-create-sparse-arrays-in-javascript