Shandong University of Science and Technology campus mini program. If you think it's good, give it a star :-)
Issues and pitfalls encountered when migrating a WeChat Mini Program to a UNIAPP project recently
Overall, migrating the project is not very complicated, but rather involves a lot of repetitive work
<template></template> corresponds to .wxml file
<script></script> corresponds to .js file
<style></style> corresponds to .wxss file
When creating a .vue file using HBuildX, the template will be automatically generated
globalData, onPageNotFound(), onLaunch() are defined here
Operations that directly bind to the app's methods need to be handled using this.$scope in onLaunch()
The created() method is defined to execute when the component is created
<slot></slot> serves as the insertion point for the component's XML and can accept multiple insertion points when the name attribute is set
To mount a component separately, import the .vue file and declare the imported component name in export default { components: {} }
To globally mount the component, import and mount it in main.js, for example: import example from "example.vue"; Vue.component('example', example);
Custom folders will be automatically compiled to /common/ during packaging
Place static resources in the static folder; the directory will not change during packaging, and the wxml import directory will remain unchanged
In WeChat Mini Program, use the setData({}) method to send data to the view layer
In Vue, data is bound bidirectionally; use this.param = value to re-render the data,
You can also rewrite the setData({}) method, as demonstrated in the official website
The data to be used must first be declared in export default { data() { return { param: value } } }
Use :attr to reference variable values in XML node attributes, and use {{param}} for XML node values
Change wx:for="{{list}}" wx:key="{{index}}" to v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index"
In ES6, use the new feature `string${param}string` directly in :attr to concatenate strings, but WeChat Mini Program does not support this
Manually concatenate strings using :attr="'string' + param"
Vue provides a way to dynamically bind <view class="static" :class="{value:active}" :style="{'attr': param}"></view>
In WeChat Mini Program, the app.json routes are managed by the page.json file in UNAIPP
When creating a route in app.json in WeChat Mini Program, a file is created; in HbuildX, when creating a page, there is an option to automatically create the route in page.json
In page.json, style corresponds to the JSON file of a specific page in WeChat Mini Program
// #ifdef %PLATFORM%
Platform-specific API implementation, UNIAPP provides conditional compilation functionality, which is very suitable for cross-platform development
// #endif
Add icons to the project and download them locally using code
Copy iconfont.css to the project, removing all parts similar to url('iconfont.eot?t=1577846073653#iefix') format('embedded-opentype')
Use <view class='iconfont icon-shuaxin'></view> to reference the icon
SHST-UNI // Shanke Small Station Directory
├── components // Component Packaging
│ ├── headslot.vue // Title layout with slot
│ ├── layout.vue // Card-style layout
│ ├── list.vue // List layout for display
│ ├── sentence.vue // Daily sentence packaging
│ └── weather.vue // Weather packaging
├── modules // Modular packaging
│ ├── cookies.js // Cookies operation
│ ├── copy.js // Shallow and deep copy
│ ├── datetime.js // Date and time operation
│ ├── event-bus.js // Event bus
│ ├── global-data.js // Global variables
│ ├── loading.js // Loading prompt
│ ├── operate-limit.js // Debouncing and throttling
│ ├── regex.js // Regular expression matching
│ ├── request.js // Network request
│ ├── toast.js // Message prompt
│ └── update.js // Automatic update
├── pages // Pages
│ ├── Ext // Extension group
│ ├── Home // Tabbar, auxiliary group
│ ├── Lib // Library function group
│ ├── Sdust // SDUST group
│ ├── Study // Study group
│ └── User // User group
├── static // Static resources
│ ├── camptour // Campus tour static resources
│ └── img // Icon and other static resources
├── unpackage // Packaged files
├── utils // Auxiliary functions
│ ├── amap-wx.js // Amap SDK
│ └── md5.js // MD5 introduction
├── vector // Deployment packaging
│ ├── resources // Resource files
│ │ ├── camptour // Campus tour configuration file
│ │ ├── // Public style library
│ │ └── iconfont.wxss // Icon font
│ ├── dispose.js // Mini program deployment
│ └── pubFct.js // Public methods
├── App.vue // App global style and listening
├── main.js // Mount App, Vue initialization entry file
├── manifest.json // Configuration for Uniapp packaging, etc.
├── pages.json // Routes
└── uni.scss // Built-in common style variables
* GetCookie
function getCookies(res) {
var cookies = "";
if (res && res.header && res.header['Set-Cookie']) {
// #ifdef MP-ALIPAY
var cookies = res.header['Set-Cookie'][0].split(";")[0] + ";";
// #endif
// #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
var cookies = res.header['Set-Cookie'].split(";")[0] + ";";
// #endif
console.log("SetCookie:" + cookies);
key: "cookies",
data: cookies
} else {
console.log("Get Cookie From Cache");
cookies = uni.getStorageSync("cookies") || "";
return cookies;
export { getCookies }
export default { getCookies }
function shallowCopy(target, ...origin) {
return Object.assign(target, ...origin);
function extend(target, ...origin) {
return shallowCopy(target, ...origin);
function deepCopy(target, origin) {
for (let item in origin) {
if (origin[item] && typeof(origin[item]) === "object") {
// Object Array Date RegExp Deep Copy
if ([item]) === "[object Object]") {
target[item] = deepCopy({}, origin[item]);
} else if (origin[item] instanceof Array) {
target[item] = deepCopy([], origin[item]);
} else if (origin[item] instanceof Date) {
target[item] = new Date(origin[item]);
} else if (origin[item] instanceof RegExp) {
target[item] = new RegExp(origin[item].source, origin[item].flags);
} else {
target[item] = origin[item];
} else {
target[item] = origin[item];
return target;
export { extend, shallowCopy, deepCopy }
export default { extend, shallowCopy, deepCopy }
* yyyy year MM month dd day hh 1-12 hour (1-12) HH 24-hour system (0-23) mm minute ss second S millisecond K week
const formatDate = (fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd", date = new Date()) => {
var week = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
var o = {
"M+": date.getMonth() + 1, //month
"d+": date.getDate(), //day
"h+": date.getHours() % 12 || 12, //hour
"H+": date.getHours(), //hour
"m+": date.getMinutes(), //minute
"s+": date.getSeconds(), //second
"q+": Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //quarter
"S": date.getMilliseconds(), //millisecond
"K": week[date.getDay()]
if (/(y+)/.test(fmt)) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (date.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
for (var k in o) {
if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)
) fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length == 1) ? (o[k]) : (("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length)));
return fmt;
const extDate = () => {
// console.log("Extend Date prototype");
Date.prototype.addDate = function(years = 0, months = 0, days = 0) {
if (days !== 0) this.setDate(this.getDate() + days);
if (months !== 0) this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + months);
if (years !== 0) this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() + years);
* Date difference in days
const dateDiff = (startDateString, endDateString) => {
var separator = "-"; //date separator
var startDates = startDateString.split(separator);
var endDates = endDateString.split(separator);
var startDate = new Date(startDates[0], startDates[1] - 1, startDates[2]);
var endDate = new Date(endDates[0], endDates[1] - 1, endDates[2]);
var diff = parseInt((endDate - startDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24); //convert the difference in milliseconds into days
return diff;
export { formatDate, extDate, dateDiff }
export default { formatDate, extDate, dateDiff }
var PubSub = function() {
this.handlers = {};
PubSub.prototype = {
on: function(key, handler) { // subscribe
if (!(key in this.handlers)) this.handlers[key] = [];
off: function(key, handler) { // Unsubscribe
const index = this.handlers[key].findIndex(item => item === handler);
if (index < 0) return false;
if (this.handlers[key].length === 1) delete this.handlers[key];
else this.handlers[key].splice(index, 1);
return true;
commit: function(key, ...args) { // Trigger
if (!this.handlers[key]) return false;
this.handlers[key].forEach(handler => handler.apply(this, args));
return true;
export { PubSub }
export default { PubSub }
* Color Scheme
// var colorList = ["#EAA78C", "#F9CD82", "#9ADEAD", "#9CB6E9", "#E49D9B", "#97D7D7", "#ABA0CA", "#9F8BEC",
// "#ACA4D5", "#6495ED", "#7BCDA5", "#76B4EF","#E1C38F","#F6C46A","#B19ED1","#F09B98","#87CECB","#D1A495","#89D196"
// ];
var colorList = ["#FE9E9F", "#93BAFF", "#D999F9", "#81C784", "#FFCA62", "#FFA477"];
export { colorList }
export default { colorList }
* startLoading
function startLoading(option) {
switch (option.load) {
case 1:
case 2:
title: option.title || "Loading..."
case 3:
title: option.title || "Requesting",
mask: true
* endLoading
function endLoading(option) {
switch (option.load) {
case 1:
case 2:
title: option.title || "Mountain Station"
case 3:
export { startLoading, endLoading }
export default { startLoading, endLoading }
* Debounce
* Timer implementation
function debounceGenerater(){
var timer = null;
return (wait, funct, ...args) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => funct(...args), wait);
* Throttle
* Timestamp implementation
function throttleGenerater(){
var previous = 0;
return (wait, funct, ...args) => {
var now = +new Date();
if(now - previous > wait){
previous = now;
// Throttle
// Timer implementation
function throttleGenerater(){
var timer = null;
return (wait, funct, ...args) => {
timer = setTimeout(() => timer = null, wait);
export { debounceGenerater, throttleGenerater }
export default { debounceGenerater, throttleGenerater }
* Regular Expression Matching
const regMatch = (regex, s) => {
var result = [];
var temp = null;
var flags = `${regex.flags}${regex.flags.includes("g") ? "" : "g"}`;
regex = new RegExp(regex, flags);
while (temp = regex.exec(s)) result.push(temp[1] ? temp[1] : temp[0]);
return result;
export { regMatch }
export default { regMatch }
import {startLoading, endLoading} from "./loading";
import {getCookies} from "./cookies";
import {extend} from "./copy";
import {toast} from "./toast";
var headers = {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'};
* HTTP request
function ajax(requestInfo) {
var option = {
load: 1,
url: "",
method: "GET",
data: {},
headers: headers,
success: () => {},
resolve: () => {},
fail: function() { this.completeLoad = () => { toast("External Error");}},
reject: () => {},
complete: () => {},
completeLoad: () => {}
extend(option, requestInfo);
url: option.url,
method: option.method,
header: headers,
success: function(res) {
if (!headers.cookie) headers.cookie = getCookies(res);
if(res.statusCode === 200){
try {
} catch (e) {
option.completeLoad = () => { toast("External Error");}
fail: function(res) {;
complete: function(res) {
try {
} catch (e) {
* request promise encapsulation
function request(option) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
option.resolve = resolve;
option.reject = reject;
export { ajax, request }
export default { ajax, request }
* Pop-up prompt
function toast(e, time = 2000, icon = 'none') {
title: e,
icon: icon,
duration: time
export { toast }
export default { toast }
* Mini Program Update
function checkUpdate() {
if (!uni.getUpdateManager) return false;
uni.getUpdateManager().onCheckForUpdate((res) => {
console.log("Update:" + res.hasUpdate);
if (res.hasUpdate) { // If there's a new version
uni.getUpdateManager().onUpdateReady(() => { // When the new version is downloaded
title: 'Update Prompt',
content: 'The new version is ready, click OK to restart the application',
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) uni.getUpdateManager().applyUpdate(); //applyUpdate applies the new version and restarts
uni.getUpdateManager().onUpdateFailed(() => { // When the new version download fails
title: 'Prompt',
content: 'A new version is detected, but the download failed, please check the network settings',
showCancel: false
export { checkUpdate }
export default { checkUpdate }
"use strict";
import globalData from "@/modules/global-data";
import request from "@/modules/request";
import {toast} from "@/modules/toast";
import {extend} from "@/modules/copy";
import {PubSub} from "@/modules/event-bus";
import {extDate} from "@/modules/datetime";
import {checkUpdate} from "@/modules/update";
import {getCurWeek} from "@/vector/pubFct";
function disposeApp(app){
extDate(); // Extend Date prototype
checkUpdate(); // Check for updates
app.$scope.toast = toast;
app.$scope.extend = extend;
app.$scope.eventBus = new PubSub();
app.$scope.extend(app.$scope, request);
app.$scope.extend(app.globalData, globalData);
app.globalData.colorN = app.globalData.colorList.length;
app.globalData.curWeek = getCurWeek(app.globalData.curTermStart);
* APP launch event
function onLaunch() {
var app = this;
var userInfo = uni.getStorageSync("user") || {};
scopes: 'auth_base'
}).then((data) => {
var [err,res] = data;
if(err) return Promise.reject(err);
return app.$scope.request({
load: 3,
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
url: app.globalData.url + 'auth/wx',
// #endif
// #ifdef MP-QQ
url: app.globalData.url + 'auth/QQ',
// #endif
method: 'POST',
data: {
"code": res.code,
user: JSON.stringify(userInfo)
}).then((res) => {
app.globalData.curTerm =;
app.globalData.curTermStart =;
app.globalData.curWeek =;
app.globalData.loginStatus =;
app.globalData.initData =;
let custom = app.globalData.initData.custom;
if(custom.color_list) {
app.globalData.colorList = JSON.parse(custom.color_list);
app.globalData.colorN = app.globalData.colorList.length;
if ( === "Ex") app.globalData.userFlag = 1;
else app.globalData.userFlag = 0;
console.log("Status:" + (app.globalData.userFlag === 1 ? "User Login" : "New User"));
if ( {
var notify =; = notify;
var point = uni.getStorageSync("point") || "";
if (point !== notify) uni.showTabBarRedDot({ index: 2 });
console.log("SetOpenid:" +;
app.globalData.openid =;
} else {
console.log("Get Openid From Cache");
app.globalData.openid = uni.getStorageSync("openid") || "";
return Promise.resolve(res);
}).then((res) => {
if (res.statusCode !== 200 || ! || ! return Promise.reject("DATA INIT FAIL");
else app.$scope.eventBus.commit('LoginEvent', res);
}).catch((err) => {
title: 'Warning',
content: 'Data initialization failed, click OK to reinitialize the data',
showCancel: false,
success: (res) => {
if (res.confirm) onLaunch.apply(app);
export default {onLaunch, toast}
<template name="headslot">
<view class="head-line">
<view class="head-left">
<view class="head-row" v-bind:style="{'background-color': color}"></view>
<view class="head-title">{{title}}</view>
<view style="margin-top: 3px;">
export default {
name: "headslot",
props: {
title: {
type: String
color: {
type: String,
default: "#79B2F9"
methods: {}
.head-line {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 10px 5px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
border-bottom: 1px solid #EEEEEE;
justify-content: space-between;
.head-row {
width: 2px;
margin: 2px 5px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
white-space: nowrap;
<view class="lay-line" v-show="title">
<view class="lay-left-con">
<view class="lay-verline" :style="{background: color}"></view>
<slot name="headslot"></slot>
<view class="lay-card" :style="{color: computedColor}" :class="{'lay-min-top':!topSpace}">
export default {
name: "layout",
props: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true
color: {
type: String,
default: "#79B2F9"
topSpace: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
inheritColor: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
computedColor: function(){
return this.inheritColor ? this.color : "unset";
methods: {}
.lay-line {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 12px 5px 10px 5px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
border-bottom: 1px solid #EEEEEE;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.lay-verline {
width: 2px;
margin: 2px 5px;
.lay-verline + view{
color: #000000;
.lay-card {
font-size: 13px;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 11px;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.lay-min-top {
padding-top: 3px;
.lay-left-con {
display: flex;
<template name="list">
<view class="list-line">
<view class="list-left" v-bind:style="{'background-color': color}"></view>
<view class="list-right">{{title}}</view>
<view v-for="(item,index) in info" :key='index'>
<view class='list-card'>
export default {
name: "list",
props: {
title: {
type: String,
default: "Default"
color: {
type: String,
default: "#79B2F9"
info: {
type: Array
methods: {}
background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding:10px 5px;
box-sizing: border-box;
display: flex;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.list-line .list-left{
width: 2px;
margin: 2px 5px;
font-size: 13px;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 15px;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin-bottom: 10px;
<template name="sentence">
<view style="margin: 6px 0 8px 3px;">{{sentence}}</view>
<view style="margin: 3px 0 8px 3px;">{{content}}</view>
<image class="sent-image" :src="url" mode="aspectFill"></image>
export default {
name: "sentence",
props: {},
methods: {},
data() {
return {
url: "",
sentence: "",
content: ""
created: function() {
var that = this;
url: "",
success: function(res) {
that.url =;
that.sentence =;
that.content =;
.sent-image {
width: 100%;
<template name="weather">
<view class='weather'>
<view class='weaLeft'>
<view style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;">
<image class='todayImg' mode="aspectFit" :src="host+'/public/static/weather/'+todayWeather[1]+'.png'"></image>
<view style='text-align:center;margin-top:6px;'>{{todayWeather[0]}}</view>
<view style='text-align:center;margin-top:3px;'>{{todayWeather[2]}}℃ - {{todayWeather[3]}}℃</view>
<view style='text-align:center;margin-top:3px;'>{{todayWeather[4]}}</view>
<view class='weaRight'>
<view class='weaRightTop'>
<image class='dayImg' mode="aspectFit" :src="host+'/public/static/weather/'+tomorrowWeather[1]+'.png'"></image>
<view class='weatherCon'>
<view style='text-align:center;margin-top:6px;'>{{tomorrowWeather[0]}}</view>
<view style='text-align:center;margin-top:3px;'>{{tomorrowWeather[2]}}℃ - {{tomorrowWeather[3]}}℃</view>
<view class='weaRightBot'>
<image class='dayImg' mode="aspectFit" :src="host+'/public/static/weather/'+tdatomoWeather[1]+'.png'"></image>
<view class='weatherCon'>
<view style='text-align:center;margin-top:3px;'>{{tdatomoWeather[0]}}</view>
<view style='text-align:center;'>{{tdatomoWeather[2]}}℃ - {{tdatomoWeather[3]}}℃</view>
export default {
name: "weather",
props: {},
methods: {},
data() {
return {
todayWeather: ["", "CLEAR_DAY", 0, 0, "Data fetching"],
tomorrowWeather: ["", "CLEAR_DAY", 0, 0],
tdatomoWeather: ["", "CLEAR_DAY", 0, 0],
host: ""
created: function() {
var that = this;
var ran = parseInt(Math.random() * 100000000000);
url: ",36.000129/weather?lang=zh_CN&device_id=" +
success: function(res) {
if ( === "ok") {
var weatherData =;
that.todayWeather = [weatherData.skycon[0].date, weatherData.skycon[0].value, weatherData.temperature[0].min,
that.tomorrowWeather = [weatherData.skycon[1].date, weatherData.skycon[1].value, weatherData.temperature[1].min,
that.tdatomoWeather = [weatherData.skycon[2].date, weatherData.skycon[2].value, weatherData.temperature[2].min,
.weather {
display: flex;
border: 1px solid #eee;
transition: all 0.8s;
font-size: 13px;
border-radius: 3px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
.weaLeft {
width: 50% ;
padding: 10px;
border-right: 1px solid #eee;
.todayImg {
width: 40px !important;
height: 40px !important;
.dayImg {
width: 30px !important;
height: 30px !important;
margin: 0 0 0 15px;
align-self: center;
.weaRight {
width: 50%;
/* Global Styles */
.weaRightTop {
display: flex;
height: 50%;
text-align: center;
.weaRightBot {
border-top: 1px solid #eee;
.weatherCon {
align-self: center;
margin: 0 auto;
import dispose from "@/vector/dispose";
export default {
globalData: {
tips: "0",
openid: "",
userFlag: 0, // 0 not logged in, 1 logged in
initData: {},
version: "3.3.0",
curTerm: "2019-2020-1",
curTermStart: "2019-08-26",
url: '',
// url: '',
onPageNotFound: (res) => { // Handling 404
url: 'pages/Home/auxiliary/notFound'
onLaunch: function() {
console.log("APP INIT");
dispose.onLaunch.apply(this); // Start load event
onError: (err) => {
dispose.toast("Internal Error");
@import "@/vector/resources/";
@import "@/vector/resources/iconfont.wxss";
button:after {
border: none;
button {
background: #fff;
border: none;
box-sizing: unset;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: unset;
height: auto;
box-sizing: border-box;
.tipsCon view{
padding: 5px;