
Hi ~

If you find it helpful, please give it a star on the repository 😁

This is the learning journey of a frontend beginner. If you only learn without recording anything, it's basically equivalent to learning in vain. The name of this repository, EveryDay, is meant to motivate me to study every day. The gh-pages branch of the repository is my personal blog. It is built as a pure static webpage hosted on Git Pages. I use jsdelivr and cloudflare as caches to alleviate the speed issues for accessing the website from within China. However, it may still be slow when the Great Firewall is acting up. The blog contains various content, including learning notes for daily coding challenges, project records, and encountered issues. Most of the technical articles are written based on references from many sources, and they cover topics such as basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript fundamentals and extensions, browser-related information, Vue usage and analysis, React usage and analysis, plugin-related topics, design patterns, Linux commands, MiniProgram (WeChat mini program) development, app development, PHP, Java, security-related topics, environment setup, image processing, LeetCode solutions, interview-related information, and personal life-related topics. The content is mostly beginner-friendly, as I am still a beginner myself. Furthermore, almost every code example is designed to be runnable immediately. You can create a new HTML file, copy the code, and run it in the browser or directly in the console. If you want to read the daily coding challenges in the order I wrote them, you can check the CATALOG. If you find HXDM helpful, please give it a star. It means a lot to me.

Hello World

<!-- html -->
<div>Hello World</div>
/* css */
    content: "Hello World";
/* javascript */
console.log("Hello World");
/* php */
echo "Hello World";
""" python """
print("Hello World");
/* java */
System.out.println("Hello World");
/* c */
printf("Hello World");
/* c++ */
cout << "Hello World" << endl;
/* golang */
fmt.Printf("Hello World");
# shell #
echo "Hello World";
/* C# */
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
/* vbscript */
--[[ Lua ]]
print("hello world");