Tencent Internship Experience 2021

This is kind of like a diary, jotting down a bit every day. It's not easy to write about work stuff, with the high-voltage warning and all, so I'll just write about life-related content. Keeping a record, haha, this is what you call getting paid for writing a diary.

After finishing the last exam on 7.12, I finally got ready for the internship at TX. The final exam time was changed several times, but it was finally scheduled to fly to Shenzhen on the last day of summer vacation. It was my first time on a plane, and to avoid getting lost, I arrived before 4 o’clock. I would recommend taking the airport shuttle bus from the campus, as it was quite convenient. After arriving at the airport, there was the process of check-in, baggage drop-off, and security check, which took about an hour. Then I sat at the airport feeling quite bored. The airport's Wi-Fi speed was very slow. Originally, it was the 19:50 Shenzhen Airlines flight, but it was delayed for an hour. It didn’t take off until 8:50, but the neighboring Eastern Airlines’ Friendship Flight that was supposed to depart at 17:35 hadn't arrived when I boarded. I used to look forward to flying, but I ended up feeling airsick. It was awful. I vowed to never fly again unless absolutely necessary. The landing involved several sharp turns, almost like drifting, and the touchdown jolted me. It was quite an experience. Boarding the plane was through a jet bridge, but getting off, we had to take a shuttle bus, which was quite a hassle. Shenzhen airport is quite large, and it was quite a challenge waiting for the checked luggage. I must commend the cleanliness of the restrooms at Shenzhen airport. I spent the first night at a friend’s place and then we went to Dapeng to see the sea. Afterwards, we came to a unanimous conclusion that the outside world is too dangerous, and it's best to just lie around at home on weekends, haha. TX provided seven days of free hotel accommodation. I stayed with a friend for two nights, and then I moved to Shenzhen New Vision Hotel.

On my first day of internship at TX, I joined the IEG WeGame Product Center, which was located in Ke Xing. This building was really tall. Opening was not auspicious as it rained heavily on the first day of my job. I had not planned on wearing my big slippers on the first day but they got wet and adhesive gawn off, so I had to dry them in the company’s drying room and spend the day wearing disposable slippers. The elevators here are quite peculiar. They have 1st floor and G floor, and at first, it was really confusing. The elevators stop at different floors at different times. Some only stop at odd-numbered floors, others only at even-numbered floors, and some do not stop at certain floors at certain times. It was really confusing at first. Also, the roads around Ke Xing were extremely congested, and Blocks A-D of Ke Xing were especially labyrinthine. I got dizzy just coming here directly.

While I was still settling in, the leader and mentor called and messaged me, which caught me off guard. Later I found out that I was the only intern in our team. It was a bummer, I have no one to play with, I am all on my own here. In the morning, the leader and mentor briefed me about the situation here and my training plan, and then I mainly worked on setting up a computer. The computer configuration was really good, I had never used such a good computer before. i7-9700/16G*2/1T SSD+2T HDD/RTX 2060 6G, and a 27-inch 4K screen. It's a desktop computer. Was the RTX 2060 installed just so that I could play games, haha? But it only took me two hours to set up the computer, as I am quite good at it. Then I didn't know what to do, so I asked my mentor and he asked me to create a DEMO. I'm graduating in 2023, so I don't feel pressured about getting a regular position, so I'm taking it slow. The leader treated the three of us to a meal at Daoxiang. The portion size in Guangdong was really small, barely enough to eat, but I didn't mind, haha. I ate my fill, and then the leader and mentor took me for some shopping, and after visiting several stores, we finally found some glue. I am really grateful to Li and Hao, haha, I really can't remember their English names, they are too hard to pronounce, I'll just stick with dabaicai, it's simple and easy to remember. I have got a workspace now, they helped me to get one, I thought I would just be the water cooler gatekeeper if I came late, but my workspace is quite close to the water cooler, haha. My position is in the sales operations center, I feel like I have become an operator just by sitting here, I need to experience the competition to understand it properly, haha. There are also some monthly benefits like half-priced Q coins and vouchers for skins in King of Glory and League of Legends, Tencent Video, and QQ Music, but of course, you need to grab them before they run out. Free breakfast, and dinner and supper vouchers that can be used to get a discount of 50 yuan at some outlets. There are many other miscellaneous benefits as well. Plus, there are basically no restrictions on working hours. I asked Hao and he said I am free to come and go. He keeps telling me to go home early if there's nothing to do, but I have to get those supper vouchers, haha. After 8 pm, I can just swipe my card at any place and get a supper voucher. Long live freebies.

On the second day of my internship, it was Wednesday, and the supper voucher had not been credited. I thought there was an issue with swiping my card when leaving last night, so it was invalid overtime, but when I swiped the door access in the morning, it was finally credited. The mission of a sustaining dinner was accomplished, haha. On the second day, I was just working on writing that DEMO, I wrote the framework, basically finished it in a day, then I did some refinement, and prepared for CR on Thursday. Public execution, haha. Late in the evening, Li helped me open the entire WeGame project, it was really huge, Li said there's still a lot of legacy code here, it was really overwhelming.

On the third day of my internship, it was all about drawing components and public methods, optimizing the DEMO, and eagerly waiting for the public execution in the afternoon. But the public execution in the afternoon wasn't that bad, after all, Hao said he didn't have high expectations, haha. I dozed off during the lunch break while the guy behind me kept playing CF and chatting. seems like I have a natural talent for nap. After the CR in the evening, I didn't know what to do. I heard the team next door constantly playing League of Legends, and I ended up downloading it, installing it, and then I was off work. I spent the evening idly, the whole night passed in a blur, wear and tear on my hands from playing too much. 8:10, punctually left work and rushed to catch the bus, it seems like I am the only one in the team who leaves early.

On the fourth day of my internship, I was just getting the hang of things when Brother Hao came and gave me a brief rundown of the project. He kicked it off and asked me to take a look. He said, "Just check it out in the first two weeks. I can't assign you any requirements yet." Goodness, if I were to get the hang of this for two weeks, I'd be out of my depth. Also, there's a team meeting in the afternoon where I have to introduce myself. I'm doomed. I also have to vent about the internal emails. Thank goodness sending emails doesn't cost anything, or else it would be a big expense. I receive about 20 emails a day, and every now and then, the notification goes off. It's like being bombarded.

The first weekend after the official start of the internship, I have to move from the hotel to a place I rented with classmates. While I was still at the hotel on Saturday night, I took a stroll to Tengda and had a cup of coffee. For someone who's never had coffee before, I must say it's really bitter. Besides, Tengda's building is really tall. Never mind, at least I have late-night snack vouchers and a high tolerance for dinner. Sundays at the residence are really dull. It's better to go to the office and get some work done. Plus, they have big computers there.

Man, I almost died on the way to work on Monday. I took a bus from Pingzhou Metro Station and it took over 8 hours. The road to Kexing was especially jammed. We had to stop every few meters in many places. I felt so nauseous that I almost passed out. Even when I was having breakfast downstairs, I couldn't recover. Speaking of which, my family insists that I drink a box of milk every day. Surprisingly, I manage to achieve this goal at the office. After sitting at my desk for half a day, I still feel nauseous. This is really killing me. Also, I finally understand why some people in our team practice "cultivation" in the morning while others do it in the evening. Those who do it at noon must be because there are plenty of options for breakfast and lunch combined, and it's easier to do it all at once. I guess the evening session is probably for weight loss. I really need to find a place closer to the office, or else I won't be able to hold on.

It's already Tuesday. I spent the whole day yesterday looking for a place to stay. It's really hard to find a place. I even checked out all the options on Ziroom. There isn't a single place available for short-term rent that I can move into soon. The available options are all for mid-August or early September, and there are only a few of them. Probably won't be able to get them either. It seems that Shenzhen is really tough for short-term rentals. Long-term rentals are much easier to come by, whether it's through Douban, internal forums, Ziroom, or renting directly from landlords. Short-term rentals are especially difficult, especially during this summer internship period. Of course, if I sign a long-term lease and then sublet it when I leave, that would work too. But if I can't find a tenant, that'll be a problem. There's definitely some risk involved. It's really tough. I took the bus back last night. The road conditions in the evening were much better compared to the morning. Although there were still some traffic jams in some areas, it took less than half an hour to get from Kexing to Pingzhou. It took me nearly an hour in the morning. It's really a nightmare. Today, I dare not take the bus to the office again. I squeezed onto the Shenzhen Metro instead. Speaking of which, Shenzhen's metro is really jam-packed. I had to really struggle to get in. There were so many people. I had to line up for 300 meters outside the exit at Pingzhou Metro Station. Mind you, this is the exit above ground. I measured the 300 meters with Gaode Map. The good thing is that the queue moves quite fast. Once inside the metro station, it's every man for himself. As long as you can squeeze, you can definitely get onto the train. I needed to get from Pingzhou Station to Shenda Station. It was crowded all the way, and even at Shenda Station, it was still crowded. It's so dense that if an epidemic broke out, we'd all be screwed. Once I got outside, the blazing sun almost blinded me. It looks like I really need an umbrella to shield myself from the sun. After all, I need to walk 1.2 kilometers to the office. It was really hot all the way. I had no choice. I have to bear with the motion sickness and the squeezing and basking in the sun. I heard from an acquaintance that ultraviolet radiation in Shenzhen is really strong. Looks like I'll have to get an umbrella. I guess I'll have to make do with a rainy umbrella for now. It'll probably darken me by a few degrees by the time I return to school. Plus, it's strangely hot outside and yet cold at the office. I have to wear a coat inside.

It's Wednesday. I braved the bus to work today. Once I got on, I just went to sleep and didn't care about anything else. Although I still felt a little uncomfortable, it was much better than the first day. Besides, I have to get up early to catch this bus. And I have to wake up fifteen minutes earlier. Today, I started working on requirements, perfecting a live component. Can't slack off and get paid anymore, haha. Let me try to get this component sorted out. I need to gradually figure it out because the project is really big, and the mutual reference of various components and the overall development process are quite complicated. Oh, and it rained heavily last night. When I just went downstairs, it wasn't raining yet. Then suddenly, it poured. I just stood there waiting for the bus and got soaked. Now, I'm thinking I might just wear sandals to work next time. Fortunately, many people here already wear slippers and sandals, so it's not too unusual.

It's Thursday. Wow, another week gone by. Today, I can't continue to slack off. I have to work on the requirements. I feel like I've written tons of code, and now I have to submit it on the branch. In the afternoon, there's a public code review session. It's a mess. I'll have to write some more today at least so that I can have a rough draft ready. Last night, the leader and mentor talked to me about what I should do in the future. Even though I'm not being converted to a regular employee, at least I have to learn something, haha. Also, I can't help but comment that some interns have been slacking off for three weeks. How come I'm already working on requirements after just one week? Talk about diving in headfirst.

It's Friday. Yesterday afternoon, I got grilled for a whole afternoon for my lousy code, haha. Indeed, the design has some issues. I can only work harder to fix it, learn more, and consider the scenarios and follow the principle of maintaining state in the top-level component, while rendering bottom-level data (except for interactive state changes). And I need to make the code more understandable, haha. And today, I got motion sickness again. Can't bear it. If I keep feeling dizzy every few days, my body won't be able to take it. I feel like I need to find a place closer to work. I don't think I can take it any longer. It's been two hours and I still haven't recovered. Can't take it anymore.

Thinking that I really can't stand the motion sickness, I went to check out some places to rent this weekend. It's mainly because of the motion sickness. There are actually a few options. First, I can continue to stay with my classmate for 1500, ten kilometers from the office. Second, there's a unit in Ziru for 2500, four kilometers from the office. Third, there's Nanhaidasha for 2200, five kilometers from the office, shared by three people. Fourth, there's a community for 2050, one kilometer from the office, shared by seven people with communal bathrooms. I went to see the subletting community on Saturday night. The environment of sharing bathrooms with seven people was a bit off-putting, so I changed my mind. I'd have to wait until Friday at the earliest to move into Nanhaidasha, and there are still a lot of miscellaneous fees at Ziru. After weighing my options, I just couldn't be bothered. In the end, I decided to just stay with my classmate for now. I also read numerous articles on preventing motion sickness and, based on my own insights, I plan to continue taking the bus on Monday. A real warrior, facing the hardships of life, facing the bloodshed.

Weekday Chronicles


Geez, as soon as I got up on Monday, I felt a little nauseous. It seems like the aftermath of motion sickness. But no matter what, I had to catch the morning bus. However, this morning was really something. I felt okay this morning. I thought I found a way to reduce motion sickness over the weekend, and then I got to the cafeteria and found not many people. It was only 8:37. What's going on? Turned out there was no traffic in the morning. Unbelievable! It's a once-in-a-blue-moon event. Kexing didn't have a traffic jam. I was amazed. I was lying with my eyes closed and almost sat in someone else's seat. It was really something. But the good thing is that I didn't feel too carsick this morning and felt more comfortable at work.

Today I tried the company's hot milk. The first cup was okay, but for the second cup, I added some ice and realized it tasted like powdered milk. I'd rather stick to tea next time, or maybe try coffee with ice.


Unbelievable! There was hardly any traffic today as well. Kexing didn't have a traffic jam. Unbelievable. This led to me arriving at the company a bit after 8:30. I was early, but the good thing was that I didn't feel carsick at all. Summing up my experience from the past few days to prevent motion sickness, here are my findings: 1 Wear earphones and listen to music as soon as you get on the bus, at least at half volume. Those earphones are a lifesaver. 2 Sit as close to the driver as possible, preferably in the front left. 3 Sit upright on the chair, lean against the back, tilt your head back, close your eyes, and rest, or even sleep. These three methods seemed to work, as I didn't feel carsick for these two days. As for whether I'll feel carsick if there's a traffic jam in the future, only time will tell.


Oh my goodness, I checked the time as soon as I got off the bus, and it was only 8:28. The time seems to be getting more and more unpredictable. Things keep getting earlier. It feels like things are getting more and more chaotic. Speaking of which, there is a downside to the motion sickness relief methods mentioned earlier—tilting the head back can cause neck pain. But as they say, you have to choose one. Yesterday, the CR pointed out many problems with my code, and it's giving me a headache. But what's really giving me a headache is that legacy video component written in jQuery. I really can't deal with it. We're supposed to start testing it today, and I'm already feeling overwhelmed.


It's Thursday. Yesterday, I handed over the code to the testing team, and I'll probably have to work on the issues they identified today. I hear our testers are extremely strict, which is daunting. I'll probably have to make changes for several days. Also, today's bus arrived five minutes earlier than yesterday, haha. I'm suspecting that the driver found a shortcut, or maybe the road conditions on the Beihuan Road have improved in the past few days. I'm not going to dwell on that. It's already Thursday, almost the weekend, haha. We're getting paid today, and coincidentally, I need to pick up my China Merchants Bank card. Although the salary was settled on the 23rd of last month, I haven't worked many days, so I don't have much money, but it's still nice to get paid.


It's Friday, and it feels like Friday. Anything can wait until next week. I haven't finished the tasks raised by the testing team yet, haha. Today, I looked into the route and found out that the driver really didn't take a shortcut, which is surprising. I still arrived at 8:30 as usual. Yesterday, I activated the bank card and ended up with a Tencent gold card from China Merchants Bank. Apparently, if the daily average balance in the account is less than fifty thousand, they'll charge ten bucks per month. It's not much, but it's still annoying, especially because they don't even send text reminders. Cards that receive salary aren't charged, but once I leave, they'll start charging. It's absurd. They even asked me to apply for a credit card, but I didn't. No annual fee for credit cards, but isn't the annual fee higher? There are too many tricks out there. I feel like I've been duped out of ten bucks. I'm not happy about it. I'll make time to downgrade it to a regular card. It's too much.


Another weekend has gone by, and time really flies. I spent the whole weekend lying in bed for two days, except for Sunday night when I went out for barbecue. Then, after eating too much, I strolled around the nearby mall, Dasanqianli, where things were quite expensive, haha. I just lay there on Saturday and didn't feel much. But on Sunday, lying down started to feel uncomfortable, probably because I had been lying down for too long. This morning, something strange happened on the way to Kexing. Usually, when I reach the bus stop, there are about three buses, but today, there were only two. And when I got to the boarding place, another bus left, the one I usually take. Only one was left. I checked the time, and it was the usual time, and I wasn't late. I don't know if it was because of the morning rain or because they scheduled one less bus, but I had to take the last one. The route to Kexing has finally returned to normal today. There was a crazy traffic jam here again. I arrived at 8:50, and the bus left at 7:56, so it took almost an hour. Last week, it took only about half an hour with that bus. But as I observed, the route was the same—just pure traffic. I felt a bit carsick, but overall, I was fine. It's been a busy day. I might have to work on patch requirements again today.


I woke up at 7:15 and found it unusually dark. When I looked out the window, it was pouring. The rain was really heavy. I had to go to work, and when I left, it was pouring heavily. By the time I got to the bus stop, my pants were already wet, mainly because of the wind. Using an umbrella only kept my upper body dry. It reminded me of that meme, "There are no difficult jobs, only brave workers." It stopped raining halfway through, at least I won't get soaked at the end of the workday. Speaking of the bus, today we only had two, but I caught the first one because of the heavy rain—it was really pouring. I arrived at 8:35 and somehow, the traffic didn't seem as bad because of the rain. Or maybe it's because the first bus left early and caught the road at a not-so-jammed time. It's another day of work, the daily grind of a worker, dealing with requirements and fixing bugs.


Unbelievable, it's already Wednesday. Time flies, and the weekend is almost here again. Today, it seems that Kexing was a bit more congested than usual, but not as bad as before. I arrived at 8:40. Yesterday, we had a meeting in the afternoon, had a meal, and then the testing team raised five more issues for me to address. I've now piled up eight issues to work on. It's really tough. I spent the evening addressing five of them, but there are three that I just can't figure out. Last night, as I lay in bed and this morning on the bus, I thought about it, and I realized to solve these three issues, I have to write a live-streaming component from scratch and rework the live streaming integration. It's going to be tough. I'll see how to handle it today. Maybe it's an issue with the stream; some live streams work perfectly, while others don't. It's really causing me a headache.

It's Thursday and I'm feeling like each day is just the same old routine. Today, I was supposed to reach the north side of Kexing Road by 8:27 a.m., and then it's only about eight or nine hundred meters to walk to this side. But then I got stuck in a jam for nearly 20 minutes, the famous Kexing jam indeed lives up to its name. If I didn't have to stay in the car, I think I could have walked faster for this distance. I've been troubleshooting these past two days, and finally found that the issue lies in the referenced SDK. The SDK in the production environment differs from the test environment, the one in the test environment works just fine, but the one in the production environment is problematic. And the SDK team hasn't even evaluated the new one, this is a problem. So, the patch iteration also needs to be delayed for rollout. It's really been tough dealing with this requirement, I reckon I still have to confront them today.

It's Friday again, time to say that phrase. Fridays should be like Fridays, whatever needs to be done can wait till next week, haha. But today, the patch must be rolled out. Yesterday, I had intense confrontations all day, with the product team, backend, middleware, testing, frontend, and operations. We confronted the entire day. For the patch problem, Hao Ge said that having a heated argument during the day and then coding at night is a common occurrence, from early in the morning until nine o'clock in the evening, I didn't write even 20 lines of code. In the end, I had to write a lot of lousy code to patch the player, hack many behaviors of the player. Due to this player, our rollout had been delayed for two days. It felt really tough to patch it up. In the end, all the bugs ended up being resolved in my business logic rather than within the player, irritating. I hope we can roll out today. Something amazing happened today, the traffic on Kexing Road was smooth, and surprisingly I arrived by 8:34 a.m. I was thinking it would be good if I arrived by 9 a.m., this is strange. I was just about to change the song, and then I was at Kexing already, gave me a shock. Then, I noticed that the fancy plants in the cafeteria are actually alive. I thought they were just decorations, but these plants, I haven't really seen them before, so much to learn, haha.

Another Monday to be at work. The road and traffic conditions were highly similar to last Monday, except that from Bao'an Avenue to North Ring Road in the morning, the road was heavily jammed. Finally, we rolled out the requirements last Friday, it took more than two weeks to get them done. The biggest problem was communication. I confronted people face to face, but the communication cost is still very high, especially when we are close to the deadline, many issues are exposed. Not only my problem, but also the communication between backend, middleware, and the testing team. In the end, I had to make a patch for the player, the data flow forwarded by the middleware is not all forwarded, there are many limitations. The testing team is not clear about this, they randomly select data that might not be forwarded, resulting in incorrect display here and then raising bug reports. Even if forwarded, due to various restrictions, it may not be forwarded. The issues at the backend are also caused by incorrect server access environment. Looking at the requirement I worked on, the communication cost was too high. Originally scheduled to go live on Wednesday, but it was pushed to Friday, and these communication issues were only understood after two days of face-to-face confrontations. It's really tough. Face-to-face confrontations are more exhausting than writing code, especially when issues are delayed due to communication problems. This made me think about preparing a technical sharing session these past few days, it's really a shame for interns to do technical sharing. I don't even know what to share, I always feel like I'm out of my element. Oh, and there's another thing that made me laugh over the weekend. They were preparing for the next version of the iteration, and it was too serious. I was the only one using emojis, and I even started an activity. It cracked me up, lying in bed for two days, every time I think about it, I want to laugh, haha. Apparently, non-confirmed interns are the bosses. But then, speaking of which, there are three of us interning in the center, they all received an email confirming their full-time positions, only I'm still not confirmed because I'm graduating in 2023, it makes me stand out, haha.

It's Tuesday, and today I arrived before 8:40 a.m. Yesterday, something very interesting happened, there was a report monitoring the new generation of migrant workers, which officially labeled us as the new generation of migrant workers, haha, it cracked me up. Some people were still indignant about it, but I think we should accept it with good humor. After all, we're all just workers. This reminds me of that image—where young people work, eat, live, and sleep—it's a difficult thing to describe except for the workplace. And also, the old lady with the “Real Huang Flag,” not long ago. You can look it up. Oh, and I remembered something, over the weekend we were talking about the urban village, the place we rented is in an urban village. Initially, I didn't have much of a concept of urban villages, until Zhifeng told me a word, slum. That's when I immediately understood, the place we live in is a slum in China, it's a really vivid term, that night I walked around, except for that big shopping mall where the upper class resides, the surroundings are all urban villages. It feels like the landlord really reigns over the urban village, there's a sign in the parking lot that shook me, the gist is that you can't park here casually, or else your tires will be deflated, this is under the landlord's jurisdiction. There's a phone number below, can't say there's anything wrong with it, but it really shook me, it feels like the landlord really rules the roost here. Yesterday, I wanted to start preparing for a technical sharing session, and thought about adding Jest to the project. I branched out for it, but found it really difficult to integrate. The customization is too heavy, it's basically necessary to set up a new compilation environment, truly difficult. It feels like the person who initially set up the project has to do this. Technical sharing is really a headache, if it doesn't work, I'll just explain the async/await syntax again, haha.

It's Wednesday, as the saying goes: "If you have no worries on Wednesday, then you won't worry about Sunday". Today is a bit magical. When I went out to the village entrance, I found only one bus there. I was taken aback. It's just like any other day for me. So why is there only one bus? While I was thinking about how to get to the company on my way, when I arrived at the bus stop, I noticed that this bus seemed to have changed. It looked like the bus I was on my way to catch had gone and another one came in its place. This bus I was on for the first time. Halfway through, I opened my eyes and found that it had detoured onto Shennan Avenue. Gee, I know this road well. I've walked on this road. But isn't it a longer route from Shennan Avenue? Sure enough, I arrived at 8:45. I thought it still had to go around the overpass back to Beihuan Avenue, but it got off the overpass halfway and went straight to Kexing. The advantage of taking this route is that there is no need to get stuck around Kexing. This morning, when I went out, I finally saw a large cockroach from the south. It's indeed much larger than those from the north, probably around four to five centimeters in length. It doesn't seem too bad, and I don't have any particular feeling about it. It's like I'm just waiting to see an invasion of African giant snails. When I had breakfast in the canteen this morning, I still grabbed a carton of milk, a meat bun, and an egg as usual. And as I was happily getting ready to eat the egg, as I peeled it, it splattered all over my hand. Gee, this egg was raw. It's not appetizing at all. There's no way I can eat this. Could it be that a Michelin-starred chef sneaked into the canteen and prepared this fancy raw egg dish just for me? So, I ended up eating one less egg for breakfast, which might help with weight loss. It's mainly because breakfast is free. Originally, I wanted to go back to get another egg or grab a pre-packed breakfast, but then I thought, forget it. Eating one less egg is like dieting. I've gained a pound this month. It's unacceptable. I need to control my appetite and lose weight.

It's Thursday. The days are passing by so quickly, it's unscientific. Today, there's not much traffic on the road. I wasted all my time around Kexing. Gee, I left work early yesterday, and today I've arrived early. I felt like there were barely any people around last night. Is Healthy Wednesday really that healthy? There weren't many people waiting for the bus in the evening, but they all came back this morning. It went from gridlock traffic to crowded people. When I arrived at the canteen, it was already crowded. Today, the eggs I grabbed were not raw. I deserve some praise for that. Yesterday, I was optimizing a code from two years ago. That code from two years ago was really exaggerated and redundant. I feel like I should write fewer functions with side effects. Gee, I almost missed out on the fact that this field was mixed into the previous object. It's giving me a headache.

It's Friday, this wonderful day. Today, my main task is to push the back end – a moderate intensity operation. That car was stuck in traffic last night. I almost didn't make it to the canteen until half past ten. Around Kexing, it was stuck for at least twenty minutes. It's a living nightmare. However, this morning, I arrived quite early. The road was clear, and I got here at 8:36. Once I finish eating, I'll start pushing the back end.

I spent the weekend lying in bed for two days, and when I came to work on Monday, I felt a bit disjointed. It felt like it had been a long time since the last time I was at work. I don't even know what I'm doing now. It seems like I should really come to the company over the weekend to mooch off the electricity, internet, and computer. I heard that looking at a 4K screen is much easier on the eyes compared to a 1080p screen. I'm not sure if that's true, but a larger screen does look more comfortable. Especially in bed, all I do is play with my phone. I didn't do anything else. It's too decadent. This can't go on. Today, the traffic was unbearable. I arrived at the canteen almost at nine o'clock. It was really congested. The bus I took was shaking a lot and made me feel dizzy. I really can't cope with these high-level buses. The traffic was so bad that I almost thought the driver didn't know the way and took a different route. After staring for a while, I realized we were still on Beihuan Avenue. It was simply a standstill. It's unbearable. I think if I were to go out for an internship, I should rent a place closer to work. Firstly, the commuting time would be shorter, and secondly, it would be very convenient to come to the company to mooch off the electricity, internet, and air conditioning over the weekend. It sounds quite nice, actually.

It's Tuesday, and this morning didn't feel as congested, but I still didn't arrive until around 8:50. Also, I saw that there were a lot more people around Kexing last night and today. Last night, I almost couldn't find a place to sit for dinner, and this morning, after I got here, I had to wait in a long line. It's very obvious that there are a lot more people now. It was crowded before, and now it's even more crowded. I've heard that some people from PCG have arrived and also from TME. Haha, so now IEG has become the local crew. But honestly, it's really crowded now, and the experience is extremely poor. This morning, I noticed a serious problem – I've developed dark circles under my eyes. I don't think I've been sleeping especially little. I can get eight hours of sleep every day, including a nap, so why do I have dark circles? It's really frustrating. Looks like I'll need to aim for sleeping for ten hours a day.

It's Wednesday. I didn't go to the canteen for breakfast this morning. Instead, I got a packed meal from outside. When I saw a sticky rice chicken, I was puzzled for a long time trying to figure out what it was. But as I was eating it, I realized it's just a meat-filled rice dumpling. Haha. Because I didn’t eat breakfast at the canteen, I got to my workstation by 8:40 and found that there were hardly any people around. The lights were only on in a few places. They are all masters of anti-overwork. I became the King of Thursdays only once. Today, I brought my computer with me. I need to work on some paper-related content and writing a paper is killing me. I also have to get into an area I've never touched before. I wanted to connect my laptop to this screen, but it turned out to be really blurry. It seems that my laptop can't handle this 4K screen, so I'll have to make do with it. I need to work on the paper content as soon as possible. It's so difficult.

Sure enough, every Thursday has to repay the debt of not getting stuck on Healthy Wednesday. Today, the morning traffic was terrible. It was really unbearable. But the bus driver drove fearlessly. That's pure tenacity. Yesterday, I spent the whole night decompiling, and today I have to continue. It's really frustrating. It's probably some high-tech thing that's causing this class not to decompile. Looks like I'll have to try dynamically loading the dex and use my android to see if it can solve this problem.

It's Friday again, and it's almost the weekend. Haha. But this weekend, I still plan to come to the company to mooch off the electricity, internet, and air conditioning. Mainly, I have to read the paper and figure out how to get this little paper published. Writing this little paper is killing me. This morning's bus seemed to be in a relatively normal condition. At least it didn't get stuck until nine o'clock. These days, I'm too lazy to go to the canteen, so I just grab breakfast downstairs. This breakfast is also quite interesting and changes often. Today, it's corn, egg, pan-fried dumplings, and milk. It feels like too much to eat such a big piece of corn so early in the morning. Time to start working.

It's Monday, and I spent the weekend at the office sucking up the electricity, Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and dinner. Actually, the main reason was to work on my thesis. I'm telling you, working on a thesis could really cost you your life. I almost died during the first step of preparing the dataset. I spent the whole weekend buried in work, and man, writing a thesis is more exhausting than writing project specifications. I did the math and if I have to handle 2000 data entries, I'll have to input one every seven minutes to finish in a month. But I'm dealing with assembly code here, and inputting one every seven minutes is basically impossible. It's driving me crazy. On the weekend, only the self-service and noodle windows were open at the cafeteria in Building C. But two dishes for 15 are not too expensive. For dinner, I definitely need to hit up KFC. One late-night meal voucher is not enough to satisfy my hunger, it's only good for something light. I need two vouchers to feel satisfied, but unfortunately, I don't have that many. As someone who always adheres to the principles of sustainable development, I don't have extra late-night meal vouchers, haha. The office was basically deserted over the weekend. It was so empty, the lights were off, and the air conditioning was freezing. My two unused air vents made it so cold on my head. I don't know who turned the air conditioning down to such a low temperature. Besides not getting enough sleep at lunchtime and the cold tap water, everything else was okay. But preparing the dataset for the thesis is just a nightmare. This morning's traffic was intermittent. We got stuck on Bao'an Avenue, then around the Kexing area, but surprisingly, we didn't hit any traffic on the North Ring Road. Still, I arrived at the office around 8:50, which is quite late. It's time to get to work after breakfast.

It's Tuesday. Today, I grabbed a sweet potato in the lobby and I always thought it was boiled. It was only today that I realized it was a baked sweet potato. Well, from now on, I'm a baked sweet potato eater! It's been ages since I had one. The morning bus took the 107 National Road and then ended up on Shennan Avenue. Each bus takes a different route, and this one was quite a circuitous journey. The advantage of the 107 is that there are no traffic lights, but it's still pretty congested. Although there are no traffic lights there, it's still quite slow with a lot of cars. There are still two traffic lights on Shennan Avenue. Today, I arrived at around 8:40, as usual. I felt especially tired today. I think it's because I spent two days being buried in work over the weekend. I've realized that I'm truly one of the workaholics in our team. I arrive the earliest in the morning, and while I might not leave the office the latest at night, I often leave quite late. Generally, I'm one of the last ones to leave. But that's mainly to collect late-night meal vouchers, and the last bus is at 9:25. I don't want to take the subway, so that's my only option. It's impossible to avoid burying myself in work over the weekend, especially when the thesis is choking me.

It's Wednesday. It's also September 1st. Let's summarize my one-month welfare experience at the company. First and foremost, the workstations are quite spacious. Across from me, there's a guy with three 27-inch screens and an iMac. That tells you that the workstations are big enough to accommodate whatever you need. The type of computer the company issues depends on the supervisor's request. My machine is an i7-9700/16G*2/1T SSD+2T HDD/RTX 2060 6G, and I have a 27-inch 4K display. Interns usually just have desktop computers. I work in the Kexing area, which has cafeterias in Buildings C and D. There are a total of three floors, and there are various options. Breakfast is completely free, and lunch doesn't cost much. After 8 p.m., if you swipe out with your card, you can get a late-night meal voucher. If you live nearby, you can leave at 6 p.m. and come back at 8 p.m. for a stroll to collect a late-night meal voucher. It doesn't have to be in Kexing; you can do it at any of the company's buildings. Late-night meal vouchers can basically cover dinner, and if you go to the self-service window, you'll be full. If you have enough late-night meal vouchers, you can go to Daoxiang to eat. It's probably a well-known restaurant on the first floor of C3. I've only been there once when my leader treated us, haha. Other than the traffic, the environment in the Kexing area is quite good. The thing that I want to complain the most about is that the tap water is warm. It's too luxurious! There are hand towels next to the sink, and after washing your hands, you have to dry them, haha. The elevators are quite crowded because there are so many people, so you have to wait in line most of the time. But the company has plenty of bathrooms, and it's really convenient. And there's Wi-Fi signal in the bathroom, so you don't have to worry about losing your internet connection. So far, I've participated in two competitions and received two company T-shirts. Unfortunately, they're just short-sleeved, so I can't complete the set with trousers. Maybe it's because of the many holidays lately, but I received an email about the company's mooncake gift box this month. It looks quite expensive, as it contains lava-filled mooncakes. I also received a fruit card, which felt like a rip-off. I heard a classmate sold it for over a hundred bucks. I missed that opportunity—my reflexes weren't fast enough. Now I'm stuck with it, so I'll just buy some fruits to cushion the blow. Today, on September 1st, I can also enjoy some business experiences for free. There are a lot of in-game vouchers and memberships up for grabs starting at 10 a.m. with a limited supply. Additionally, these items are strictly for personal use. Even using these vouchers to buy skins for someone else will result in a warning email. You can also buy a certain amount of half-price Q coins here. In any case, the experience is quite good, and the freebies are about to land. Only interns need to check in at the company. In reality, as long as you don't forget, you can check in anytime, anywhere. The company is in Nanshan District, and I'm in Bao'an District, but I'm still able to check in from another district. Furthermore, you can check in at midnight. The fastest I've checked in was the second one to tap the button, haha. If you forget to check in, you can ask for approval to make up for it from the leader. In the end, the internship salary is calculated based on this. Actually, even if you don't check in, as Hao Ge told me, I can come and go as I please. If I think of any additional benefits later, I'll let you know. It's time to rant about the traffic to Kexing once again. I got to the outskirts of Kexing at 8:25 today and then got stuck in traffic for 20 minutes. It's a disaster. I don't know which shortcuts the driver took today. He drove quite fast, haha. By the way, this bus service is also a great benefit. The company's shuttle buses cover all of Shenzhen, so as long as you're in Shenzhen, you can basically take the bus to and from work. It's just a bit tight on time. In addition, there's a gym, free dental cleanings, and discounted haircuts and many other perks. That's enough chatter. I'm off to enjoy some business experiences for free. The freebie monster is about to appear! Haha.

Let's talk about Shenzhen. First, let's talk about a few advantages. Shenzhen is filled with high-rise buildings, and the metro system is convenient. The cost of living is not as high as one might expect. However, this might be because I live in the urban village and don't feel the impact as much. Now let's talk about some disadvantages. The city is small and crowded, with frequent traffic jams and hotter weather compared to Qingdao. Shenzhen is a very young city. You can hardly see older people on the streets, even in the urban village where I live. Shenzhen is definitely young, but it gives me an eerie feeling. Those who once dedicated their youth and contributed to the GDP of Shenzhen have ultimately been abandoned by the city. People will grow old, and in the end, we will all become discarded batteries because Shenzhen never lacks young people. As for education, I didn't notice many primary and secondary schools when I commuted. However, Shenzhen University is located south of the company. Compared to Qingdao, where you can often see many primary and secondary schools while commuting, although I can't comment much on this because I have only been in Shenzhen for a few months. Maybe the primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen are concentrated in Bao'an or Futian districts because they are rarely seen in Nanshan district. Speaking of Nanshan district, it's basically a gathering place for internet companies. I often see big companies like Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu, ByteDance, Lenovo, Coolpad, ZTE, and Thunder when I'm in the vicinity. Whether they are branches or not, there are many companies here. It's indeed a good place for work. However, it seems like in Shenzhen, it's all about work and there's not much of a life. People are constantly busy rushing to work. You can tell from the metro on weekends - it's not as crowded as on weekdays. It seems like there are still many people like me who prefer staying at home and taking it easy. One of the most frustrating things is that Shenzhen doesn't have designated lanes for non-motorized vehicles. Pedestrians, electric bikes, bicycles, and motorcycles all share the same narrow road, making it inconvenient and dangerous. It's really absurd that even a small 18th-tier city like Rizhao knows to designate lanes for non-motorized vehicles, yet Shenzhen, a big city, doesn't. As for the work CBD and living in the urban village, I guess this situation exists in various cities. Anyway, it creates a strong sense of disconnection. However, overall, Shenzhen is okay. Except for the heat, everything is acceptable. After all, coming here is just for work, and there's no sense of belonging.

It's Thursday now, and the traffic is really bad today. The Beihuan Avenue is completely jammed. It seems like we are repaying the debt of a smooth traffic-free day yesterday, which was the "Healthy Day". Since it was Healthy Day, the company was basically empty, and there weren't many people on the company shuttle in the evening. We have already assigned the tasks to the testing team yesterday. Then I watched "Old Master Q" all evening. I have to say it's truly a classic. Lately, I have been watching "Old Master Q" on and off, and it's much more interesting than browsing B station, haha. Today, I will take a look at the production line and see what changes have been made. The team has been making continuous modifications, so I'm curious to see what new elements have been added, haha.

Friday at last! It's finally Friday, hahaha. No more working overtime on weekends. I've been so sleepy all week. I want to lie down and sleep in. This week has really exhausted me. The traffic is terrible today, whether it's the Beihuan Avenue or the area around Kexing. Also, today when I was stuck in traffic near Kexing, my mobile 4G network couldn't connect. It seems like the density of people around Kexing is so high that the network can't support it. Luckily, the company's Wi-Fi still works, or else I wouldn't be able to go online. Today is a day to take it easy. Let's see if the testing team will hand in any bug reports. If they don't, I will need to figure out the transition to TypeScript for the next major revision.

It's Monday, back to work. I arrived quite early today, at 8:31. It's quite strange because even with the heavy traffic, I managed to arrive early. It's mainly due to the driver taking an alternative route near Kexing today, which turned out to have fewer cars, haha. This allowed me to achieve the earliest arrival time at Kexing in recent memory. I'm still on duty at the company over the weekend, but at least on Saturday, I slept at home for nearly eleven hours. I also learned a new term recently, "BUG router." It's no exaggeration. Whether it's testing or the product team, whenever they find a bug, they come to me. I spend some time examining it, and then I decide whether to address it myself, redirect it to the backend team, or hand it over to the redevelopment team. It's quite fitting, I must say. In the evening, I took the subway to the Binhai Building and had dinner there. I have to say, the decoration at the Binhai Building is really something else. It exudes a strong capitalist atmosphere. When I went there, I didn't know how to use the elevator. There were no buttons inside, and all the selections had to be made from the outside. It was really awkward figuring out how to use it, haha. After I got the hang of it, I went to a few floors, and the interior decoration was really out of this world; it looked like a villa. The interior was essentially hollowed out with three floors, and there were external staircases. It felt like a three-story villa, and there was even a banquet hall. I heard they also have some recreational activities such as rock climbing, but I didn't specifically check. But it's true that the decoration is indeed more impressive than Kexing. After that, I took a bus to Kexing and continued my work. I found that many well-known companies are located around this area, and it's indeed a developed hub for the internet industry. In the evening at Kexing, I started working on my research paper. It's really tough; it's definitely more challenging than working. These two days of the weekend have really worn me out.

Tuesday's workday. Today's traffic wasn't too bad. At least by 8:40, I had already arrived near Kexing. The sun here is scorching, and if I stay long term in Shenzhen, a parasol is absolutely necessary. I started feeling my skin burning after just a short while under the sun. The UV exposure here seems quite strong. In Qingdao, the temperature is around 25-26℃ these days, and the sun isn't as intense. In contrast, Shenzhen maintains temperatures outside of 30℃. It was rainy recently, and the weather was quite cool since we didn't see much sun. I think the rainy season is over, and the sun is out, so I have no choice but to get used to it.

It's Wednesday, today Bao'an Avenue was unbelievably congested. By the time I reached Beihuan Avenue, it was already 8:30. Thankfully, the area around Kexing was not too crowded, so I arrived quite early. I feel so tired today. Although I think I sleep enough every day, I just feel so tired. Maybe it's because I used to sleep a lot at school, but ever since I started working here, I've had to wake up early every day, so I feel quite exhausted. Time to fix some bugs again, another day as the bug router.

Thursday, last night Lao Wang treated the whole center to Sichuan cuisine - boy, was it spicy Indeed! It was all made of chili peppers, and [bubu] also came along. The good thing was that nobody here drinks alcohol, we just have tea and fruit juice, so much healthier. This morning was the most congested in a while. I didn't arrive at Kexing until 8:50, and when I got to the 15th floor, I realized there weren't many people around. It's quite ridiculous; it seems like today is going to be another congested day. There seem to be a variety of breakfast options downstairs; every day I see something new. Today, besides egg jujube cakes, there was something called "taro baby," and when I opened it, it turned out it was taro, roasted and with a fancy name, haha.

It's Friday, for some reason I had trouble sleeping last night. I only slept for about four hours, it's killing me. This is supposed to be a relaxing time, but maybe it's because I had tea and coffee in the afternoon that I couldn't sleep at night. But normally, I sleep soundly even if I have coffee and tea at night. Could it be that the tea I drank in the afternoon only takes effect at night? It's quite interesting. The morning commute was still quite congested, and the drop-off spot has changed today. This time we went straight down the North Road, and when I was parking, I was completely disoriented. I had never been here before. After a moment, I recognized the place and went straight from the north gate of Kexing to the food street, and then to the south street to get breakfast and go upstairs. Luckily, I still remember my way. I have a lot of work to do today, I need to write a library that supports unit testing, looks like it's going to be fun, haha, let's do it.

Another Monday, thinking that the day to leave is not far away. I'm going back to school to work there soon. Apart from the heat, everything here is okay. Although it's cooler at school and I don't have to wake up early, there's no money to be made, haha. If it weren't for having to write papers and do this and that, I wouldn't go back. Unfortunately, I have to go. The bus driver took a different route today. Although there were more red lights, we still arrived quite quickly. The bus came at 8:37; the old driver is so efficient, haha. I'm going to continue working on the mock network request library today. It seems more relaxed to leave soon. I'm starting to let loose, but I still need to clarify some requirements today. I definitely still need to be productive.

Officially, today is Tuesday, but it's actually still Monday, thanks to this rescheduling policy. I have to work this Saturday, so it's still a Monday for the working people. Just thinking about this makes me sleepy. The requirements clarification meeting lasted until after 8:30 pm last night, and I didn't get to eat the orange I picked up from the canteen around 6:30 until after the meeting, not being able to eat it felt pretty bad. The morning bus was still arriving around 8:40, I don't know if the route was adjusted or what, but the bus driver took a fancy route and I got completely disoriented. But the speed was still quite good. Let's start another day of idling, but I'm sure the requirements will come soon, won't be able to idle for too long, haha.

Wednesday again, so tired, for some reason I'm especially tired today. I can barely keep my eyes open. Besides, it's ridiculously hot today, Shenzhen is heating up in September, it's all very unusual. The morning bus still arrived at Kexing at around 8:40 as usual. So tired, I think I've been sleeping fine, at least eight hours every day, so why am I still so tired? Oh well, I need to rest for a while.

It's Thursday, even more tired, it's as if I've relaxed and can't get out of bed. Although when the alarm went off I immediately got up and sat up, but I just can't shake off the drowsiness. I idled all day yesterday, and I said, "I'm leaving soon and there's nothing much for you to do, if you work half-heartedly, what should I do?" So I could only slack off with pay. Then I took out a version repository I had been procrastinating on for a very long time and rewrote it to add some fresh features. The morning bus took the usual route today, and that caused me to arrive very late today. I didn't get there until 8:53, and there were so many people arriving at that time, it was so crowded.

It's Friday, I'm not as tired today, but just thinking about having to wake up early and go to work tomorrow makes me instantly tired. I'll make some tea to fight off the fatigue, and maybe another cup of coffee if necessary. Every morning on the bus feels like a gamble. Although I'm on the bus of that guy who takes a fancy route, it's still congested in the morning. Speaking of which, an A1 driver's license is really different; they drive such a big vehicle so flexibly, it's no wonder I can't drive a C1 vehicle as flexibly, weaving in and out, it's really impressive.

Today is Saturday, and I have to work. Good morning, working people. Here I am relaxing, but I have to work today, I'm so tired. After the requirements clarification yesterday afternoon, they assigned me two requirements. Let's see if I can finish them in the next few days. I've already finished one in two hours yesterday afternoon, one more to go. Although the morning bus came quite early, it dropped us off on the north side of Kexing, which meant we didn't have to endure the traffic on the southwest road. The downside is that it's further away, but it's not too bad, a little walk won't hurt, haha.

Suddenly it's Wednesday, and I have no idea what's going on, hahaha. The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday feels like it never happened, and today is another sleepy day. Yesterday, I had some barbecue, and in the evening, I went for a walk around Shenzhen Bay One, saw what a 300,000-square-foot house looks like, looked around the Shenzhen Sports Center and Talent Park, took a distant look at where the wealthy people live. The surrounding facilities are quite comprehensive, with companies, subways, parks, and so on. Of course, the property bubble is outrageous. Haha, I can never afford that in this lifetime.

Next to Houhai Metro Station is Evergrande. It's quite interesting there. The metro station below Evergrande has been sealed off, no one is allowed to enter or exit. There are many police officers and big wolf police dogs at the entrance. It looks fierce. I wonder if it's because Evergrande might blow up at any time. Even if it's just in name, it will soon be defunct. After all, there needs to be a place for the people who bought the unfinished apartments and invested their money to vent. But on second thought, it's quite interesting. Besides bank loans, money doesn't appear out of thin air, it just moves around. It's quite impressive to owe two trillion yuan. Where did all the money go? It's very interesting.

Shenzhen seems quite bustling over there, but at the same time, it's quite noisy. I feel like most city centers are like this. It seems there's nothing much to see, hahaha. And Shenzhen is really hot. After walking around, I'm all sweaty.

Today's shuttle bus is tall. When the curtains are drawn, you can't see anything. I only know that it arrives relatively early, before 8:40. Today, there's something interesting. You can't sign in at Tencent Home's internship location anymore, hahaha. Originally, I could sign in from Bao'an, but now, I'm already sitting in the office and still have to sign in from a remote location. I guess I can only choose to work remotely due to business reasons. Hahaha.

Today is Thursday, I feel so tired. I slept for quite a long time, but I'm still exhausted. It looks like I need to nap in the morning. Lately, I have nothing much to do, just loafing around. I'm going to quit tomorrow, but I'm still reluctant. After all, the benefits at the company are really good, and the atmosphere in the team is also nice. By the way, when I leave, Haoge will be back to eating alone again, hahaha.

The shuttle bus was quite congested this morning. The first half of Beihuan Avenue was really congested. It took ten minutes to move a hundred meters. Unbelievable. I'll write handover reports and have a meeting with the product team today, and then another day will be over.

It's Friday again. Last night, I went to Daoxiang with Leader and Monter. It should be authentic Cantonese cuisine, hahaha. Gosh, we used up 18 late-night snack coupons. Speaking of which, I suddenly realized a problem. I have several late-night snack coupons in my hand, I should just use them up and not worry about how to use them all. I didn't figure that out.

Today is my latest arrival at the company. I didn't sit down until 9:10. It was really congested, all the way from start to finish. By the way, when TME comes to Kexing in the future, it will be even more crowded. That's going to be really tough. I'm going to leave soon, and I really don't want to go back to school. There are so many problems at school, and I have to write a thesis. It's killing me.

Working on Sunday, it's a day off. This morning, the shuttle bus was quite congested on Bao'an Avenue, but Beihuan Avenue was okay. I arrived at my workstation as usual at 8:40. Finally, I solved a long-standing issue with on-demand references at the company yesterday. Now, I've created a loader to solve it. It raises the priority to the top, and there's nothing more I can do.

There's a lot of tension at the workstation this morning. This is only the second time I've failed to find a toilet to use immediately after arriving at this early hour. It's really unbelievable. It seems like everyone ate too much and got stomach problems. I've used up all my late-night snack coupons these past two days. Hahaha, I had hot pot with my classmates on Friday and ordered three portions of KFC yesterday. It was too much. The person who was supposed to eat with me didn't show up, so I ended up eating three portions alone. It was too much. I feel like I never want to eat KFC again in my life. There's going to be a team building activity in the afternoon, going out to have fun. Even though I'm a homebody, it's good to go out and have fun once in a while.

It's Monday, and I'm about to leave. I think it's more comfortable here, with a good team atmosphere and great company benefits, except that the weather in Shenzhen is really too hot, which is really unbearable, hahaha. But the temperature has dropped slightly recently, so it's considered autumn. Tomorrow, I'll fly directly back home. At home, I'm going to sleep in every day. Waking up early every day just to catch the shuttle bus here has been really tough. After I finish with the October holidays and go back to school, it's going to be a pain dealing with all the school work. But honestly, I really don't want to go back. It's more comfortable interning outside. But in any case, I have to go back. After all, without a published thesis, I can't graduate. I've learned a lot here, much faster progress in my technical skills than on my own. That's because I can see a lot of things that are really useful for work, and a lot of things to improve efficiency and optimization. Although it's not very deep, it means there are a lot of new things for me to continue to explore, hahaha.

Finally, welcome to the goose factory for your internship, haha. It's a great opportunity to experience the benefits firsthand. As for the working atmosphere, it depends on the specific team. It's not accurate to discuss the atmosphere without considering the department and team independently, as each team has its own situation. Overall, it seems that the goose factory has a relatively good overall atmosphere, and they have done quite well in terms of human care. Let me copy what I said earlier about the welfare and the situation in Shenzhen as a summary, haha.

First, the workstations are spacious enough. There's a senior colleague sitting across from me with three 27-inch screens plus an iMAC. This shows that there is enough space for whatever you need at the workstation. The computers provided by the company depend on how the supervisor applies for them. My machine is an i7-9700/16G*2/1T SSD+2T HDD/RTX 2060 6G, and there's also a 27-inch 4K screen. Interns generally only have a desktop. I work on the side of Ke Xing and we have cafeterias in Buildings C and D, each with three floors, and they offer quite a variety of food. Additionally, breakfast is completely free, and lunch doesn't cost much. If you leave after 8 p.m., you can get a supper voucher when swiping your card. If you live nearby, you can leave work at 6 p.m., stroll around, swipe your card at 8 p.m., and still get a supper voucher. Moreover, it doesn't have to be at Ke Xing, you can swipe your card at the entrance of any goose factory building. The supper voucher can basically cover dinner. If you choose the self-service window, it's basically all you can eat. Of course, if you have plenty of supper vouchers, you can go to Dao Xiang to eat. In the restaurant on the first floor of C3, that's where I've only been once when my leader treated, haha. The environment at Ke Xing is quite good apart from the traffic jams. The thing that I really want to complain about is that the tap water here is warm, which is quite luxurious. There are hand towels next to it, so you have to dry your hands after washing them, haha. The elevators are quite crowded because there are too many people. You basically have to line up. There are plenty of restrooms in the company, very convenient for paid private time, haha. There's wifi signal in the bathroom, so you don't have to worry about not having internet.

So far, I've participated in two competitions and received two cultural shirts for free. They are short-sleeved, but it's a pity that there are no pants, otherwise I could have a set. Recently, maybe because of the many festivals, I received an email about the company's mooncake gift box. It looks like an expensive gift box with custard mooncakes. I also received a fruit card. Speaking of which, I feel like I got a bad deal. Some classmates sold it for over a hundred bucks. I activated it too quickly, so I couldn't resell it, I can only buy some fruit to ease the blow. Today is 9.1 and I can experience some business perks for free. Such as game coupons and memberships, the grabbing starts at 10 a.m., and there are limited quantities. Moreover, these can only be used by yourself. Even if you use these coupons to buy skins and gift them to others, you will receive an email warning. Also, you can buy a certain amount of half-priced Q coins. Anyway, it's a good experience, the freeloaders are logging in.

Only interns need to check in at the goose factory. Actually, as long as you don't forget, you can check in anytime, anywhere. The company is located in Nanshan District, and I'm in Bao'an District. Even if it's across districts, I can still check in. Also, I can check in at midnight. I was the first to check in once, the second goose to check in, haha. If you forget to check in, you can ask for an approval from the leader for a makeup check-in. In the end, the internship salary is calculated based on these check-ins. Actually, even if you don't check in, as Hao Ge told me, you have the freedom to come and go, haha. If I remember any other benefits later, I'll add them.

Oh, and the shuttle bus is also considered a benefit. The shuttle buses cover various places in Shenzhen, so as long as you are in Shenzhen, you can take the shuttle bus to and from work, but it might be a bit of a rush. Additionally, there are also many other benefits such as gym, free dental cleaning, and quick haircuts. Regarding Shenzhen, let me mention a few advantages first. Shenzhen is full of tall buildings and convenient subway lines. The cost of living is not as high as one might imagine, but it could be because I live in the urban village and didn't feel it. Now, a few disadvantages. The city is small and crowded with people, and the traffic jams are frequent. It's much hotter than Qingdao. Shenzhen is a very young city. Basically, you can hardly see older people on the streets, even in the urban village where I live, the proportion of older people is very small. Shenzhen is indeed very youthful, but it makes me feel a bit terrified. Those who have dedicated their youth and contributed to the GDP in Shenzhen are eventually abandoned by the city. People will grow old, and ultimately we will also become discarded batteries here, because Shenzhen never lacks young people. The government has approved a lot of office space in Shenzhen, you can easily see many office buildings under construction. There is a newly completed building around my urban village that has a sign saying it's for rent. However, the government has approved very few residential land areas in Shenzhen. It's hard to imagine the purpose of only approving such a small amount of residential land. In my opinion, it's nothing more than to maintain housing prices and drive away aging laborers. The primary and secondary education in Shenzhen seems to be limited. I haven't seen many primary and secondary schools when taking the shuttle bus. However, Shenzhen University is located south of the company. Compared to Qingdao, where I often see various schools, I won't comment on this because I've only been in Shenzhen for a few months. Maybe the primary and secondary schools in Shenzhen are concentrated in Bao'an or Futian District, but generally, they are relatively scarce in Nanshan District. Speaking of Nanshan District, it's basically a gathering place for internet companies, and there are many well-known companies around. I don't usually hang out, but around me, I have seen Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu, ByteDance, Lenovo, Coolpad, ZTE, and Thunder. Whether they are branch offices or not, there are still many companies around here. It's truly a good place to work. Speaking of work, it seems that there is only work in Shenzhen, no life. People are rushing to and from work everywhere, seemingly busy going to work. You can see this from the weekend subways. The subway is really crowded during the weekdays, but during the weekend, there are seats available. It seems that people like me, who stay at home, are not uncommon. The most frustrating thing is that Shenzhen doesn't have separate lanes for non-motor vehicles. Pedestrians, electric bikes, bicycles, and motorcycles all share the road, and it's very crowded and narrow. Both drivers and pedestrians are wary, making it very inconvenient. This is quite ridiculous. Even our small 18th-tier city of Rizhao knows to separate non-motor vehicle lanes, but it's just ridiculous that such a big city like Shenzhen doesn't have it. As for working in the CBD and living in the urban village, I guess this situation exists in every city. Anyway, it gives a strong sense of detachment. But overall, Shenzhen is quite okay, except for the heat, everything is generally acceptable. After all, coming here is just for work, there is no sense of belonging.