Pinduoduo Autumn Recruitment Official Front-end Interview Experience

I submitted my resume in the afternoon around 15:00 on 2022.08.20, and then the written test was on 2022.09.03 15:00. I appreciate Pinduoduo for giving me the opportunity for an interview.

First Interview

The first interview was scheduled around 2022.09.13 14:34, and the interview time was fixed by email. The actual interview was scheduled for 2022.09.15 19:00. The internet connection was good initially, but I experienced some network issues in the middle, possibly due to the typhoon in the area. The interview lasted about 51 minutes.

The interviewer asked me various questions related to recent projects, the implementation of rich text editors, comparison of current rich text engines, specific implementations of grid layout, and more. The interviewer was knowledgeable and the conversation was quite extensive. Despite my frequent internet disconnection, the interview experience was still quite good.

Second Interview

The second interview was scheduled around 2022.09.16 19:40, and the actual interview was set for 2022.09.22 14:00. The interview was scheduled promptly, and it lasted about 50 minutes.

The interview focused on topics such as finding the maximum non-repeating substring from the end, differences between CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, non-inheritable CSS styles, asynchronous loading of JavaScript using defer and async, relationship between Promise and async/await in JavaScript, among other technical questions. The technical challenge initially caught me off guard, and subsequently, the other questions were comparatively challenging. Nevertheless, the overall interview experience was satisfactory.

Third Interview

After a long wait following the second interview, I received an email for the third round of interview around 2022.10.11 17:45. The actual interview was scheduled for 2022-10-18 14:00, and it lasted about 30 minutes.

The interviewer inquired about my most accomplished achievements during the internship, the NoCode project, advantages over similar competitive products, considerations in the selection of rich text engine, and more. I faced a challenging question during the technical challenge, which had me stumped. Despite the difficulty, the interview was insightful.

HR Interview

Surprisingly, despite my unsuccessful attempt in the third interview, I was given the opportunity for an HR interview. I received the interview invitation around 2022.10.27 10:32, and the interview, initially planned to be a video call, turned into a phone interview. The interview lasted about 21 minutes.

The interviewer mainly provided me with information about the company and asked questions about my understanding of Pinduoduo, my internship experiences at Tencent and ByteDance, the current autumn recruitment situation, and other relevant topics. The interviewer was quite accommodating, and the conversation was smooth.


Pinduoduo was my fourth intention for this autumn recruitment. I received the intention letter on 2022.11.14 14:31, and then the official offer was extended on 2022.11.18 16:09. Pinduoduo's recent international expansion efforts and its dominance in the low-end market indicate promising growth prospects. Overall, the experience with Pinduoduo has been quite positive.