attribute is a concept in XML elements, used to describe additional information about XML tags, i.e., attributes of XML tags. property is a concept in JavaScript objects, used to describe members of JavaScript objects, i.e., properties of JavaScript objects.
When describing HTML, we need to set key-value pairs for attribute values to describe tags:
The above tag node defines three attributes:
id: this-input
type: text
value: test
After the browser parses this HTML, it creates an Element object, which includes many properties such as id, innerHTML, outerHTML, etc. For this JavaScript object, many properties have the same or similar names as the attribute of this node element, but this is not a one-to-one relationship.
Some attributes have a one-to-one mapping with properties, such as the id attribute.
Some attributes have a one-to-one mapping with properties but with different names, such as the class attribute.
Some attributes do not have a mapping with properties, such as custom customize attributes.
Now, get the attribute and property of the object using JavaScript:
console.log(document.querySelector("#this-input").getAttribute("type"));// t // attributeconsole.log(document.querySelector("#this-input").type);// text // property
You can see that for properties, they automatically correct the incorrect value. For attributes, they retain the original value of the DOM node element. It can be said that attributes, semantically, tend to be immutable values, while properties, semantically, tend to be mutable values during their lifecycle. Here is another example, when changing the value in the input box from test to another value like t, and then getting the attribute and property:
console.log(document.querySelector("#this-input").getAttribute("value"));// testconsole.log(document.querySelector("#this-input").value);// tconsole.log(document.querySelector("#this-input").defaultValue);// test
You can see that the attribute still retains its original value, while the property gets the changed value. If you need to get the original value in the property, you can use the defaultValue property. If you customize some attributes in the DOM node, they may not be synchronized to the property, and similarly, properties defined in the property may not be synchronized to the attribute.
console.log(document.querySelector("#another-input").customize);// undefinedconsole.log(document.querySelector("#another-input").getAttribute("customize"));// test
<!DOCTYPEhtml><html><head><title>Attribute Property</title></head><body><inputid="this-input"type="t"value="test"/><inputid="another-input"type="type"customize="test"/></body><scripttype="text/javascript"> console.log(document.querySelector("#this-input").type);// text console.log(document.querySelector("#this-input").getAttribute("type"));// t console.log(document.querySelector("#another-input").customize);// undefined console.log(document.querySelector("#another-input").getAttribute("customize"));// test</script></html>